Course Structure
The next course start date is
28th April 2012
Throughout the course of study, the core curriculum is arranged in 3 broad strands of design, construction and horticulture. In the study of garden design, the design studio is inevitably the primary focus.
But to design successfully, you need knowledge and understanding of the cultural, historical, technical and practical subjects which are integrated – often implicitly – in the design process and explicitly in the construction module.
Through out the course students will be expected to complete three major design assignments based on a real site and clients, plus an additional 10 projects to be completed in their own time.
You will also attend lectures outlined in the curriculum starting with design philosophy, progressing to construction and specification and finally concentrating on planting theory and professional practice.
Other elements of the course consist of a range of associated subjects of which, garden history, CAD and portfolio presentation are the most important.
These are taught through online video and audio lectures and webinars and are aimed both to provide a wider design understanding and to facilitate project work.